Crossmedial portfolio: Leiehome website

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Leiehome residential care centre - website


The client

Leiehome residential care centre

The requirement

A new, modern and (very) accessible website

Our services

Digital design, website, content marketing, copywriting

Our solution

On the Leiehome-website we provided both top navigation and main navigation. This makes it easy for potential residents and their relatives as well as for care providers and other interested parties to find their way around. The main navigation contains practical explanations about the accommodation options and services. Via the top navigation, visitors can learn more about the vision, methods and projects of Leiehome as a progressive residential care centre on the other hand.

To make all this information easily digestible for the visitors, we rewrote the texts with subtitles, short introductions and read more buttons. An extra advantage are the various new contact forms for applications, internships and volunteer work: they are clean and GDPR-compliant.